対応よろしくお願いします 英語

I understand that you have been calling on financial institutions to revise their articles of incorporation as a precaution for future needs even if they do not need additional capital for the moment. In response to our request that branches be kept open on holidays, nearly 90% of the branches were open last Sunday. I think that now that the authorities have started to take specific action regarding inflation, we are witnessing a new stage, beyond the subprime mortgage problem and the crude oil price surge.
May I ask for your frank impressions of the testimony? 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), We kindly ask for your correspondence. Moreover, we have submitted a bill to extend the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc. - Weblio Email例文集, What do you think of this case and what action will the FSA take in response? How do you evaluate those measures? Also, financial institutions have paid out deposits even in cases where depositors have lost their certificates of deposit and passbooks if identification can be made in some way or other. Copyright(C) 2020 金融庁 All Rights Reserved. - 金融庁, 一部報道で、米財務省が日本の大手金融機関に住宅公社の救済策の説明をしたというものがありますが、これについての現在の状況と、この米当局の対応について、日本の当局としてどのように受け止めているかお願いします。例文帳に追加, According to a media report, the U.S. Treasury Department has explained the bailout plan for public housing corporations to major Japanese financial institutions. In order to ensure recovery from the disaster, financial institutions are making serious efforts to take various appropriate financial measures in a timely manner and are cooperating while listening to the voice of local communities, prefectural governors, municipalities, and associations of small and medium-size enterprises. - 金融庁, 今日で最後の長官会見になりますので、先ほどベター・レギュレーション(金融規制の質的向上)についての総括の発表もいただいていますけれども、この2年間を改めて振り返られまして、今までにない時代、金融行政の対応が迫られた時代だと思いますけれども、改めてそのご感想をお願いできればと思います。例文帳に追加, This is your last press conference as FSA Commissioner. - Weblio Email例文集, Please deal with that job in order. Could you tell us about the FSA’s recognition of the current state and these problems? Stock prices (as measured by the Nikkei stock average), which temporarily rose close to 10,000, fell to around 9,050 at the closing today. - 金融庁, 金融機能強化法に関連して、先週末の銀行の決算の中で、地銀の中には申請を検討したりとか、将来への備えということで定款変更を表明したりというところがあったかと思うのですけれども、長官はかねて、足下では資本は必要ないとしても、将来への備えとして定款変更はしておくようにということを促してきたかと思うのですけれども、その促しに対応した地銀が、今のところ1桁にとどまっていると思うのですけれども、そこら辺の評価をお願いします。例文帳に追加, In relation to the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, some regional banks announced that they were considering applying for public funds or that they would revise the articles of incorporation as an emergency precaution. - 金融庁, 恐らく今後は新規事業の申請という話が来ると思います。これについて、どのように対応していかれるお考えなのかと、現時点での考えを伺えればと思っております。よろしくお願いします。例文帳に追加, Probably, an application to start the new businesses will be submitted. - Weblio Email例文集, I am terribly sorry to take you time, but I appreciate your correspondence - Weblio Email例文集, I am terribly sorry to inconvenience you, but I appreciate your correspondence. Problems with financial institutions’ actions in relation to this have been pointed out.

How do you intend to respond? Given the fact that there have recently been a series of suspected cases of insider trading, please tell us how the Financial Services Agency (FSA) is regarding the issue and what action policy you have. As those deposits are protected irrespective of the timing of the payback, we would like to ask depositors to act calmly. - 金融庁, 恐らく今後は新規事業の申請という話が来ると思います。これについて、どのように対応していかれるお考えなのかと、現時点での考えを伺えればと思っております。よろしくお願いします。例文帳に追加, Probably, an application to start the new businesses will be submitted. - 金融庁, 各国におかれては、科学的事実に基づいた冷静な対応をお願いしたいと考えています。例文帳に追加, Therefore, I would like to ask other countries to react calmly, based on scientific facts, to the current situation in Japan. - 金融庁 Do you have any further requests or hopes with regard to financial institutions' future response? Copyright(C) 2020 金融庁 All Rights Reserved. - 金融庁, 恐らく今後は新規事業の申請という話が来ると思います。これについて、どのように対応していかれるお考えなのかと、現時点での考えを伺えればと思っております。よろしくお願いします。例文帳に追加, Probably, an application to start the new businesses will be submitted. How do you intend to respond? - Weblio Email例文集, I am terribly sorry to take you time, but I appreciate your correspondence - Weblio Email例文集, What do you think of this case and what action will the FSA take in response? 11234. On the day of the failure, I believe that you presented a view to the effect of saying that "it will likely entail no significant impact on the financial system" but, now that about five days have passed since then, I would like to know how you are finding that impact to have turned out to be. Although you may have already talked about this, could you tell me again about how you view the condition of the global economy?

Therefore, the Government calls for depositors, investors and market participants to calmly respond to the situation. - Weblio Email例文集, I am terribly sorry to inconvenience you, but I appreciate your correspondence. In any case, up to 10 million yen in principal per depositor and the interest on such principal will be protected regardless of the repayment period, and any amount in excess of 10 million yen in principal and the interest on such principal will be reimbursed according to civil rehabilitation proceedings, so I would like to further request depositors to respond in a calm fashion.

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