注意事項 英文

look out! 注意, 路很滑!

學生思考直接引語變間接引語的注意事項。 單字注意事項的中英文例句與用法. he has dyed his hair .. n.點,尖端,分數,要點,分數 vt.弄尖,指向,指出,瞄準,加標點於 vi.指,指向,表明. 汽車來了! I did n't observe the colors of her eyes . n.注意,關心,關注,注意力,(口令)立正! 大一英文-選課注意事項 請依就讀學系之規定,擇一修習英文領域或外文領域,上下學期必須修習同一語言。 若就讀學系規定「外文領域限定修習英文」,請務必修習上下學期英文領域課程。 The negative pressure loop should be noted . ; 注意標志 care mark; caution mark; cautionary mark; 注意廣度 [心理學] attention span; range of attention; 注意渙散 distractibility; 注意事項 matters needing attention; points for attention; 注意信號 [計算機] attention; 注意中心 focal point; 注意轉移 attention mobility, pay attention to; take note [notice] of; be careful (to do sth. 必須注意團結一切可以團結的人。 care must be taken to unite with all those that can be united with. 注意后果 look to the end; 注意禮貌 mind one's p's and q's; 注意輿論動向 have [keep] an [one's] ear to the ground; 提請大家注意 call everybody's attention to sth.

特性:健胃、利尿、通便,促進雌激素的分泌,調和女性荷爾蒙。注意事項:有通經作用,孕婦忌用。 The paper introduces the kinds and features of air fe eder series analyzes the working processes and proposes the matters needing at tention in selection and application of air feeders. matter [mætә(r)] point [pɔint] n.點,尖端,分數,要點,分數 vt.弄尖,指向,指出,瞄準,加標點於 vi.指,指向,表明. the road is slippery. n.注意,關心,關注,注意力,(口令)立正! In addition both the working process of compound die and questions required attention are stated. 注意事項英文翻譯:announcements…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋注意事項英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯注意事項,注意事項的英語例句用法和解釋。 point for attention, matters needing attention. 交換學生入學申請注意事項。 By the group practice of authorware and flash fashionable from basic method basic control notice and etc this paper discusses the new path for the development of cai courseware. look out! 當機場班車接近終點時,播放了注意事項錄音。 文摘:闡述了金隆銅業有限公司轉爐鼓風機更新的原因;針對轉爐鼓風機工作狀況的特殊性,提出了選型時的注意事項,分析了不同調節方式下的能耗;並重點介紹了德國kkk公司轉爐鼓風機的控制特點及應用情況。
介紹了氣動送料器系列產品的種類及特點,分析了氣動送料器的動作過程,指出了其選擇和使用時的注意事項。 The method for compiling technical bid document for hydraulic engineering bid and matters needing attentions are introduced. 注意走好。 mind your steps. 本文通過對二個流行軟體authorware、flash之間的搭配實踐,從它們的基本方法、基本控制以及注意事項等方面,探討了開發cai課件製作的新途徑

注意英文翻譯:[ zhùyì ] pay attention to; take note [n…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋注意英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯注意,注意的英語例句用法和解釋。 A record message is played when the airport bus approaches the terminal. A few remarks must finally be made concerning the calibration of scintillation detectors . 有些英文錯誤的用法,因為在每天傳來傳去的Email當中,以訛傳訛,太常看見,久而久之就以為是對的了。來看幾個常見的例子:1.沒有"Please be noted"這種說法請注意廣告 ; 好好注意身體 take good care of one's health; 下次要注意 pay more attention to it next time; 密切注意病人的情況 keep a strict watch over the patient; 注意當地的條件 take note of local conditions; 注意交通規則。 pay attention to traffic regulations. 本文簡要介紹搬運鋼板用電磁橋式起重機遙控系統設計中的幾個問題:工藝要求、注意事項、遙控電路設計等。

想像一下,今天A與B一起做生意。A不幸離開人世,A的子孫對B 說:「我不想做生意,你把這些賣一賣,我們分一分。」這時,B不見得會同意,這樣就會產生糾紛,甚至對簿公堂。 真的,往往最大的問題,都是來自於生意上的夥伴! 由此可知,一旦你有遺產,家人就必須先還稅金,才能夠分到財產。 Guidelines for international exchange student application. 同時也闡述了複合模工作過程及注意事項。 Take care not to spill a drop of the medicine . It is suggested the general principle and emphasis of different kinds of natural gas boosting system under the condition of the inlet natural gas pressure is with great variety according to calculation& type choice of whole boosting system set in some9e gt power plant and influence on starting up or load off of gas turbine led by piping gas storage system. there's a bus coming. Properties: stops stomach cramps diuretic laxative stimulate the production of estrogen in women precautions: emmenagogue do not use on pregnancy. In the paper the main property principle and notices of the improved self-determining circuit of magnetic balance graduation-value are introduced.it is also provided of the circuit principle diagram.

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